Wednesday, 5 March 2014

I'm glad we are family!

We just watched a cartoon clip that despite being "for children" we all probably had FEELINGS.
Sad feelings toward Little Foot when he lost his Mum ... or when he met Duckie you probably had feelings of relief or happiness?
Depending on how over active your mind is, you may have thought through things like, "How is he going to live without his Mummy?" or "What's going to happen to all the families that are separated now?"
These thoughts are in reaction to what we see the situation being and we have these thoughts and emotions because at some level we can all sympathise with this.
Sympathy is being able to feel what someone else is feeling because you have been through something similar or exactly the same before and you remember how you felt at that time.
It is difficult to sympathise with someone if you have not been through that situation... but there is another emotion we can all feel is Empathy.
We can empathise with someone over a situation even if we haven't been through it because we can "IMAGINE" how it would feel if it happened to us.
I want to say a few words that would best describe the first part of that clip:
·        They were divided
·        Families cut in two
·        "On one side and the rest on another"
·        Lost
·        Pain
·        Separation
·        Death
·        Mother or anyone who cares is gone
·        Time to journey alone
Although we watched a cartoon for children, it is those concepts that we can sympathise or empathise with and it may have even bought a little tear to your eye...
We know how that feels. We all know how that feels.
We have all at some point in our lives felt abandoned, lost, in crisis.
I would like to go one step further and say unless you are a walking miracle we have probably experienced these things with in your own FAMILY.
Your family are the ones who you are most close to as you grow and I have found this picture that best describes what I am trying to say. 
It hurts when it is those closest to us. Our FAMILY.

Matthew 10:32-38

English Standard Version (ESV, I'm reading from)
32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. 
37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Who can think quite easily of tensions in their family because of the Gospel?
I would imagine everyone. Either outright fights and complete separation from each other over it or at least it is the subject that IS UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES talked about.
When there is such a divide in the natural family over any issue there is pain.
It is especially hard for a believer and a non believer to coexist closely together because of such difficult and sensitive issues about where they will both be after they die. Very sensitive and difficult. Lonely and painful sometimes.
We can all probably very easily recall times where you and a family member has called it quits on working on the relationship due to "irreconcilable differences".
I heard that term when a celebrity couple divorced and that was the excuse.
Irreconcilable differences between family is painful. You divided. You are on two different sides. You feel you are journeying alone. The people that mattered most are just not there anymore. And you can sometimes be desperate to regain that relationship... just like Little Foot's face was as he was hanging over the rock looking into the water.
Did you notice how devastated he was. Hopeless.
Then something happened:
He found his DUCKIE.
Who can recall when their DUCKIE popped up in their life? I don't mean Jesus I mean a person who walked up and said, "Hi what's your name!?"
Who can think of one person who in the midst of a crisis popped up and sympathised with you and understood you?
Someone who could make you smile and bring back a glimmer of hope while you made the journey?
That is why I have called this sermon, "I am glad you are my family!" 

Let's look at:

John 1:12-13

English Standard Version (ESV)
12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

1 John 3:1

English Standard Version (ESV)
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

2 Corinthians 6:17-18

English Standard Version (ESV)
17 Therefore go out from their midst,
    and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch no unclean thing;
    then I will welcome you,
18 and I will be a father to you,
    and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”

If we are all called CHILDREN OF GOD, that means you and me are related. Now...we all know the pain of betrayal or separation from family and we have all got baggage that reminds us how painful those family relationships can be.
Although you do still have blood family... You have been transferred into a NEW FAMILY!
And this family has got to learn how God want His family to be because we have a very long time to spend together!
I want to do something a little weird but I will do it anyway an hope you can understand what I am trying to say...
Who else would agree that we have an enemy?
Who agrees that we have to war against that enemy?
So if we are family and we are in a war you could say we are a FAMILY in WAR?
One thing that I know is that if God has made something to work a certain way, you can be sure that the devil has taken it and perverted it into something that will work to evil's advantage.
I want to show you what even the devil has worked out how a family runs best: let's look at "The Family". SLIDE
Ok so first thing they understand is that they all have a code of conduct that they to abide by:
The 10 'Mafiosi' Commandments are: SLIDE
1. No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be      a third person to do it.   - sounds like Our heavenly Father requiring Jesus to introduce us?
2. Never look at the wives of friends. - sounds like the 7th commandment!
3. Never be seen with cops. - sounds like they treat the "cops" like we treat the devil!
4. Don't go to pubs and clubs. - sounds like us being separated and consecrated for God's work?
5. Always be available for Cosa Nostra, even if your wife's about to give birth.
6. Appointments must be respected.
7. Wives must be treated with respect. - 10th commandment!
8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. 9th commd!
9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other 10th commandment not to covet?
10. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra are anyone with a close relative in     the police, with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves            badly and doesn't hold to moral values.

Does anyone else see the close resemblance to the rules God gives us to live by?

And each one has a "role" or "gift":
American Mafia (La Cosa Nostra) Structure SLIDE
Boss GOD – The head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or “Godfather”. The Boss receives a cut OR TITHE of every operation taken on by every member of his family.
Underboss JESUS – The Underboss, usually appointed by the Boss, is the second in command of the family. The Underboss is in charge of all of the Capos, who is controlled by the Boss.
Consigliere HOLY SPIRIT – Consigliere is an advisor to the family. They are often low profile gangsters that can be trusted. They are used as a mediator of disputes or representatives or aids in meetings with other Families. They often keep the Family looking as legitimate as possible.
Caporegime (or Capo) PEOPLE CALLED TO AN OFFICE OF GOD- A Capo (sometimes called a Captain) is in charge of a crew. There are usually four to six crews in each family, possibly even seven to nine crews, each one consisting of up to ten Soldiers.
Soldier CHRISTIANS – Soldiers are members of the family, and can only be of Italian background. Soldiers start as Associates that have proven themselves.
Associate NON CHRISTIANS - An Associate is not a member of the mob, and an Associate’s role is more similar to that of an errand boy. They are usually a go-between or sometimes deal in drugs to keep the heat off the actual members

 What I am trying to do in a round-about way is to show you that if the enemy side has got it so well down pat then we really need to get it too.
Yes we have Jesus we also have the Father and the Holy Spirit but they are GLORIFIED and HONOURED and DISPLAYED by us.
Our behaviour toward each other is how people will see God. It is a big responsibility but we have it nonetheless.
We are all family whether we like it or not. It is not written in the bible that Gods family will have irreconcilable differences.

 It says in Ephesians 4:1-6 

Unity in the Body Paul writing to the church in Ephesus.

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peaceFor there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.

Just like our natural family are "bound by blood" ... How much more are we bound by the eternal Holy Spirit? Our body and blood will pass away but our Spirit lives forever.
We have to be able to interact and be ourselves but also be willing to learn from each other.
We have got to learn how to be a fully functional family who displays GOD with their love for each other.
I know we all have baggage. We all have had experiences with in our own families that have birthed dysfunction in us.
I know that it's no one's fault other than the devils. It is his mission to destroy families and important relationships. That's why it hurts so much because they are important to us.
We can blame our parents or our brothers or our sisters or our Grandparents for what we lacked growing up and in some circumstances YES they are definitely at fault and need to be held accountable - depending on the circumstance. Sometimes we fail ourselves at those roles and that creates self esteem and guilt and shame issues.

But, if we allow those issues to control us now, we can become afraid to go through the pain of separation again.
We can be scared we will be let down when we need each other most again.
We can be fearful that we might say something offensive and hurt each other unintentionally again.
We can believe a lie about who you are on the inside. Useless or a failure.
We might be inclined to think that people in authority are hypocrites and are do as I say not as I do types and unworthy of your loyalty.
Can you see how this baggage we bring from our family experiences can affect how we relate to each other in the Family of God?

·        You will hold back and not invest what God is asking you to into a person.

·        You will not put your trust in people God asks you to trust.

·        You will build WALLS NOT BOUNDARIES around yourself and your life that keep all the bad people out and unfortunately the GOOD ones too!

·        You will not have the boldness God wants you to have in witnessing for Him if you are afraid to open your mouth.

·        And you will not view those in authority over you in Gods Kingdom as being worthy or able to do that job - so you can't submit.
So much baggage!

Has anyone noticed I have gone for a high sensory experience today?
With the emotional video, all the smells and display...
I don't do things for no reason and there is a very good reason for all this stuff up here... based on what I have just said does anyone know how this ties in?

I'll tell you: Because God did not give us our senses to be polluted by all that garbage!
He gave us our senses and our emotions so we can find much enjoyment in the good things, the beautiful things, the variety He has created the world with.
Even the wise men bought indulgent  gifts: Strong smelling things like Frankincense and Myrrh and precious and beautiful Gold.
When Jesus reclined at the table and Mary opened the Alabaster box of "very expensive" perfume and let it pour over his head. The disciples were shocked by the waste. What did Jesus say?
Don't bother her, she's done a great thing. "Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."
Jesus loved beautiful smells and lovely things. He wants us to enjoy these things and give Him praise for them.
Everyone looking at these different items can image what they smell like or taste like or feel like.
·        Marshmallow's soft and gooey
·        Coffee strong and invigorating

·        Lavender sweet and calming

We are just about finished:
But right now I want everyone to close their eyes and just for a moment take in the smells that waft around you, concentrate on your breathing and focus on what I am going to say - keeping your eyes closed:
First I want you to imagine a large paper bag. A brown paper bag that is a little crumpled. Open it up wide.
Now I want you to allow the Holy Spirit to search and bring to your attention these things in that may be in your heart to put into that paper bag:
Here we go:
·        Fear of intimacy
·        Fear of rejection
·        Fear of being misunderstood
·        Pain of not being heard
·        Pain of being the unfavoured kid
·        Anxiety of letting go and trusting people
·        Anxiety of allowing our authority - God - to take control and do as He will
·        Hard heart of unforgiveness for injustices and insults
·        Absent Fathers
·        Emotionally absent mothers
·        Pain of isolation
Now I want you to fold the top of the paper bag over twice and seal it.
Put it on the shelf in front of you.

Now I want you to visualise a very large space. Like when the Holy Spirit was hovering above the waters before there was light.
Let your mind expand as far as what you can manage. Bigger and wider.
I want you to imagine that the East and West of this space will NEVER touch. So far is as the East is from the West...
Now pick up that take paper bag of pain and.... throw it so hard toward the blackness.
Now watch as that bag hurtles into the sea of forgetfulness till you can see it no more.

Now go right now and sit at the foot of the cross.
Look up at Jesus and thank him for taking all of those things upon himself.

Now go and sit on your Heavenly Fathers knee. Run up and jump right into it!
Allow his arms to hold you and feel His love.
Warm and secure. He knows you and he loves you.
Tell Him you love Him too.
Ask Him to help you be a great member of His family.
Ask Him to show you how.

**If there is someone I don't know - offer the Salvation Prayer to make Jesus Lord of their life.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. (Take a few moments to ask His forgiveness for anything particular that is on your conscience.) Please forgive me, I now turn from everything which I know to be wrong.
Thank You that You died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free.
Thank You that You offer me forgiveness and the gift of Your Spirit. I now receive that gift.
Please come into my life by Your Spirit to be with me forever.
Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.18

Father we love being a part of your family. We love that you are our Dad and we love being your kids. We want to get to know you more. Thank you for choosing us.
Please Father, help us to bring down the walls and teach us how to build healthy boundaries. Give us your wisdom right now - because you said "If anyone asks and believes that you hand out wisdom generously without finding fault.
You say you remove our sins as far as the East is from the West and we know that means they are deleted. Thank you.
Bind us together in unity with Your Holy Spirit and may we find joy and peace in indulging in your creation. Open our eyes to the world you want us to live in. 
In Jesus name, AMEN.

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